How safe is it to fly?

A recent spate of high profile crashes doesn’t reflect the overall safety of the airline industry; statistically, there’s never been a safer time to fly. Yet despite the comforting numbers, many industry insiders have serious concerns about systematic safety issues. Annabelle Quinceinvestigates.
The last 30 years have seen an unprecedented expansion of air travel and more and more of us are flying regularly. Statistically, experts tell us that it’s one of the safest modes of transport, yet in 2014 there were two high profile plane crashes and one plane shot out of the air.
It may be safe statistically, but when you're in a plane you rely on the skill of the pilot, the crew, the reliability of the aircraft and all the computer equipment that goes into it. So just how safe is flying today and just how much has safety improved over the past 100 years?
Commercial aviation was in its infancy before the Second World War. Planes were very small and only large seaplanes could carry more than 20 passengers. It was also extremely dangerous.
‘But they were also moving so slowly that when they impacted the ground it frequently did not result in fatalities.’‘You had to be a little bit adventurous ... there were accidents regularly,’ says Captain Desmond Ross, principle at DRA International, a firm that specialises in aviation safety and security.
During the Second World War it became clear that air transport was going to be very important. So in 1944, while the war was still raging, the League of Nations held a Convention in Chicago, which is how the International Civil Aviation Organisation was born.
The biggest development in aviation in the post-WWII era was the jet engine. In just one person’s lifetime, aircraft went from sticks and strings to super-sophisticated airliners that could fly from Sydney to London in 24 hours. Jet engines were also much more reliable and this had a huge impact on safety.
‘Commercial airliners started to become jet airliners, and because of the reliability we had a real reduction in the number of accidents because we had much fewer mechanical failures,’ says Amy Fraher, author of The Next Crash: How Short Term Profit Seeking Trumps Airline Safety.
In the 1980s and ‘90s, thing improved still further with computerisation and the introduction of navigation aids and sophisticated warning systems.
‘There are many more backup systems in planes, and as a result, in the situations where we have seen crashes in recent years it has often been an interaction of pilots not necessarily using the technology in the most appropriate way,’ says the University of Rochester’s David Primo, the author of The Plane Truth: Airline Crashes, the Media and Transportation Policy.
That has led some to argue that a reliance on autopilot and other technical aids has led to deficiencies in pilot training and that pilots may not be ready when something does go wrong.
Associate Professor Stephen Cusick from the Florida Institute of Technology points to human error as a common element in most modern airline crashes.
‘Over the years there have been a whole predominance of accidents, but almost all of them have the human factors, the human error element in there at some point,’ he says.
‘Many accidents are caused by distractions or minor problems, and because the crew is distracted, perhaps the pilot loses his airspeed and the aeroplane could stall. We've seen a series of those over the years, including the more recent ones that you are familiar with.’
Every time there is a crash, it’s up to the national regulator to work out what went wrong. In the United States the primary responsibility for investigating crashes lies with the National Transportation Safety Board. In Australia, it’s the Australian Transport Safety Bureau, which would work closely with the airline, the manufacturer and pilots to uncover exactly what happened in the event of a crash.
Crash investigations inevitably rely on information from a plane’s black box, which records hundreds of variables.
David Primo, however, questions this focus on accidents and argues that it may lead to other safety concerns being ignored.
‘While certainly it's important to find out why any crash occurs, the cause of that crash may not actually be as big a problem in the larger aviation safety world as other problems that may not have led to a crash yet,’ he says.
‘A crash may focus attention on one plane, a one-plane model, and for a problem that statistically may not occur again for millions of flights, while ignoring or causing a move away from a focus on problems that could be system-wide but that haven't yet manifested themselves in a crash. As a result, crashes can alter regulatory priorities in a way that isn't necessarily enhancing with respect to safety.’
The other major shift in the commercial aviation industry in the past 20 to 30 years has been the introduction of low-cost airlines. They have revolutionised air travel and led to an explosion of new airlines and the expansion of the legacy carriers, especially in Asia.
AirAsia, the airline whose flight 8501 crashed in the Java Sea in December 2014, killing all 155 passengers and seven crew, recently bought 36 new Airbus A320s. That level of expansion has rarely been seen before, leading experts to question whether there are enough qualified air and ground crews to safely run and maintain the planes.
‘Those aircraft have to be certified, you need two pilots minimum, sometimes three, and if it's a long-haul service you need two crews on each flight, you need cabin crew, you need maintenance engineers,’ says Captain Desmond Ross.
‘Some airlines would be working with perhaps 40 people for each aircraft that they've got in their fleet, and some carriers who are less efficient might be running with as many as 100 staff members for each aircraft that they've got in their fleet. So you've got to ask where is all the training done, where do these people come from?’
‘I think we are looking at an exponential downgrading of skills on the flight deck,’ says Captain Ross.
Amy Fraher agrees, and believes that some of the safety statistics are misleading.
'You will see statistical modelling programs that will say your chance of dying in an airline crash is millions and millions to one,’ she says. ‘Part of my concern is that I think just like in the finance industry, these types of statistical modelling programs actually hide some of the risk.
‘I have interviewed hundreds of airline industry employees and I find that nearly all are telling me that they are concerned about safety; that troubles me.
‘I can't say that this airline or that airline is more dangerous, I think the system is dangerous and I think we've got a flawed system that needs to be fixed.’
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