Woman fakes own DEATH to get out of dating man she met online
One of our readers claimed that she had to resort to desperate measures to rid herself of an admirer
Dating can be hard. It can take time to find a keeper and sometimes two people are really just not meant to be together.
But what happens when you're not into your date but they won't get the message?
Yesterday we asked our readers if they could beat a bad date story which ended in a visit from the paramedics - one got in touch with an unbelievable tale and we had to share it.
Got a bad dating story? Tell us about it via the form at the bottom of this article
What happened?
Ann Gray, 29, from Somerset, told us that she had been seeing a man she met on an online dating site.
After the third date Ann invited him around for a meal but later made up her mind that he wasn't for her - fair enough, right?
She said: "I called it a night and decided that I never wanted to see him again. Luckily, he didn't live in my town."

But when she tried to let her date down gently over text messages, it was clear he wasn't getting the hint.
That didn't work either, as Ann explains: "He continued to message me and the day came when he sent me one stating 'I think we need to have a date tonight! I will be around your house in 30 minutes.'"
What did she do?

Did it work?


This is getting complicated...

Uh oh... what now?

Well, that'll do the trick. But it gets worse...
Ann never received a reply from her former date, but she did say that he caught her on the dating website again a couple of months later.
"He sent me a horrid message! Can't say I blame him, really. I am currently engaged to be married and not dead!"
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