Saturday, 17 January 2015

Think Britain's Got Talent is crazy? See how nuts the rest of the world can be

Think Britain's Got Talent is crazy? See how nuts the rest of the world can be

A new ITV show looking at some of the global BGT spin-offs features acts that will leave you confused or wincing - from stripteasing deer to a man with an iron groin

Britain’s Got Talent has gone from UK TV hit to global phenomenon with no less than 57 international versions.
Now, for the first time, British audiences can see the best and the weirdest foreign acts in Planet’s Got Talent, a new six-part ITV show presented by Warwick Davis.
The contestants will make your jaws drop, your sides split and, in some cases, your stomachs churn.
Warwick says: “There’s someone who starts rubbing wasabi [a mustard-hot plant] into his eyes with lemons.
"Now that’s not talent, that’s just pure stupidity, isn’t it?
“There are skills that are absolutely brilliant and others that are just plain nutty, but we celebrate all of them.”
From stripteasing deer to a man with an iron groin, here are a just a few...
  • Planet’s Got Talent starts Saturday night at 6.30pm on ITV.

brent ray fraser planet's got talent
Deer me: Brent Ray Fraser

Canada: Brent Ray Fraser

When a smartly dressed man in a deer head walked on stage, the audience and judges had no idea what he would do.
Performance artist Brent Ray Fraser, who appeared on Canada’s Got Talent in 2012, bewildered onlookers when he began by painting lipstick on to another deer’s head on the stage.
brent ray fraser planet's got talent
brent ray fraser planet's got talent
But the act only really started when the song I’m Sexy and I Know It struck up ... and he started to strip down to a skimpy loin cloth.
Fortunately the fitness fanatic has the kind of physique which had the crowd – particularly the women – entranced. But that didn’t stop all three judges from hitting the reject button.
Araceli Dominguez makes her dogs look stupid on Planet's Got Talent
Poor things: Araceli Dominguez makes her dogs look stupid 
Chile: Araceli Dominguez

    No, your eyes don’t deceive you – that really is a poodle in a pink tutu prancing around on its hind legs like a professional ballet dancer.
Araceli’s troupe of four amazing dogs – Pituquita, White, Pearl and Lulu – pose and turn like a furry Darcey Bussell to the sounds of a string quartet playing in the background.
It’s like Ashley and Pudsey multiplied four times and the act thrilled both judges and audience on 2013’s Talento Chilento.
They made it through to the final, where the pooches performed acrobatics while pushing
prams and riding scooters.
If that’s not enough to convince you of Chile’s canine talent, one of the country’s greatest cultural exports, the Olate Dogs, triumphed in America’s Got Talent in 2012.
Man drags truck with neck Planet's Got Talent
Neck on the line: Yoyol has hidden strength


Indonesia: Yoyol Komarudin

In one of the most stomach churning, wince-inducing acts in all the shows around the world, Yoyok put on a display which had the judges and audience on Indonesia’s Got Talent gasping and clutching their throats.
What did he do? He pulled a people carrier 15 feet along the ground with a rope attached to his neck.
Man drags truck with neck Planet's Got Talent
That's goota hurt: But Yoyol was fine afterwards
Not looped around his neck – that would be much too easy.
No, it was hooked and clamped into the skin around his throat using a metal device like something from a torture chamber.
How he discovered this “gift” remains a mystery.
South African Wanga Kweyama's concrete act on Planet's Got Talent
Jaw dropping: Wanga's amazing teeth


South Africa: Wanga Kweyama

Some have the voice of an angel, others the feet of Fred Astaire. And Wanga Kweyama? Well, he’s got teeth like a vice and the lifting power of a building-site crane.
The Soweto resident walked on stage in SA’s Got Talent and used his gnashers to raise a giant bag of cement off the ground.
He had the audience in fits of laughter, but the unimpressed judges – who expected him to do more than just walk around with the bag between his teeth – voted him straight off.
It takes something more unusual to make it past the first round.
In the six years the show has been running in South Africa, winning contestants to date have included a deaf hip-hop dancer and an 11-year-old poet.
India's Dinesh with his straws trick on Planet's Got Talent
Clutching at straws: But Dinesh goes hands-free

India: Dinesh Upadaya and Niharika Rajak

It’s fair to say that Dinesh, from Mumbai, is a bit of big mouth. So big in fact that he can stretch it to fit in 243 drinking straws.
He has attempted similar feats with ping-pong balls and he can also – slightly less impressively, it has to be said – hold a lot of potatoes in his hand.
Meanwhile, separate act Niharika is not just a pretty face – because her talent is to smash face-first through a series of glass panels while riding a scooter.           
Niharika Rajak, India's Got Talent
Face off: Niharika doesn't duck
She is one of the craziest acts to appear on last year’s India’s Got Talent, which has been a huge hit there since 2009.
Wearing only sunglasses to protect her eyes, the leather-jacketed fitness and martial arts fan rides her scooter through a long line of glass panes, each one carefully suspended at head height for maximum shock value.
Her amazing act won rapturous applause from the judges – but she still didn’t make it to the final.

The act 'Horse' on America's Got Talent
Mashed potatoes: Horse takes a kick where it hurts

USA: Horse

This security guard from Pennsylvania proved just how tough he is by getting his so-called friends to deliver a series of excruciating blows to his nether regions
He said he was “here to shock” and he certainly delivered.
His groin was kicked, whacked and he used it to break lengths of wood by jumping on them, legs akimbo, from a great height.

The act 'Horse' on America's Got Talent
Hammer time: But amazingly, Horse wasn't gelded
Finally he stripped down to his pants.
Two breeze blocks were put on his crotch then broken in half by a sledgehammer.
Amusingly, the show insisted that Horse, who was left unscathed at the end, had to wear safety goggles during that final display.
The act 'Horse' on America's Got Talent
Ouch: That doesn't mean it didn't hurt, mind you...


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