Wednesday 28 January 2015

The Best Ayurvedic Formulas for Your Health

The Best Ayurvedic Formulas for Your Health

The Best Ayurvedic Formulas for Your Health

Ayurveda is the ancient science of natural medicine with roots going to back Vedic India. The name is derived from Sanskrit, where 'ayur' means longevity or life and 'veda' means science. Ayurvedic practitioners believe in the body's ability to heal itself, when supported with the right choices of food, herbs, a healthy and positive bent of mind and appropriate life style modifications. A lot of focus is placed on creating a right balance between all these factors. Ayurveda is based on the relationship between the body and the natural resources that our environment offers.
Ayurveda has thousands of traditional medicines and formulas which are used widely, but some of them have become so popular that many big brands have come with their own versions. These formulas are being used for more than 5000 years now. Here are some of the most beneficial Ayurvedic medicines that one can use for everyday troubles -
This is probably one of the oldest Ayurvedic formulas. Ancient stories attribute its origin to Chyawan Rishi, an elderly sage who wanted to rejuvenate himself. This unique formula consists of several herbs and products which aid in rejuvenation and regaining vitality. It contains the following -
  • Amla - Rich source of enzymes and Vitamin C
  • Honey - Rich in enzymes
  • Ashwagandha - Excellent for rejuvenation
  • Ghee - Vitalizes the nerves and hormones
  • Some other herbs in small quantities
This formula is known to strengthen your internal defence mechanism and immune system. It is a thick, blackish-brown paste that tastes somewhat sweet and tarty. It should be consumed once or twice everyday, directly or mixed with milk.
Lavanbhaskar Churan
This formula was traditionally used as an alternative for salts. The word 'lavan' actually means salt. Lavanbhaskar Churan is an excellent preparation for controlling and managing bloating, indigestion, cough, cold and respiratory disorders. It balances Vata (air) and  Kapha (water and earth element). Some of the common ingredients used to make Lavanbhaskar Churan include sendha namak (rock salt), sochal salt, vida salt, long pepper, ginger, black pepper, black cumin, white cumin, cinnamon, cardamom, and many other spices in small quantities. It is great for digestion as it balances the stomach acids.
Triphala Churan 
Another popular formula that is being used for thousands of years is the Triphala Churan. It is a very popular herbal formula which contains three herbs harar, behar, and amla. Triphala balances pitta and kapha in the body. By attaining a balance between these two elements, many disorders can be rectified. Some of the disorders which can be managed and controlled are bloating, gas, constipation, diabetes, intestinal tumours, premalignant conditions (due to its strong antioxidant property), fevers, asthma, and weight loss. It can be taken in place of salt with fresh fruits or in salads.

This is a classic Ayurvedic formulation which is consumed to overcome weakness and depletion of  body reserves. In olden days, it was usually given to women post childbirth as during this time the body has an imbalance of the vata (air) in the body. However, this formulation can be taken for many other conditions like loss of energy and vitality. It contains many herbs like guduchi, amla, pippali and others.
The Healthiest Herb
Tulsi or Holy Basil is considered to be sacred plant in India. It is known as a popular medicinal plant and is widely used in Ayurveda. It is commonly used for managing several disorders like stomach pain and bloating. To tackle such situations, take the juice of about ten Tulsi leaves and mix them with few drops of ginger juice, add water to this and sip it slowly. Here are some other cures that Tulsi can be used for -
Skin Problems and Infections: Apply the juice of few leaves of Tulsi, leave it for a while and wash off.
Urinary Tract Infections: Take the juice of Tulsi along with half a teaspoon of honey, dilute it with water and drink this mixture on an empty stomach.
Fever: Consume Tulsi leaves decoction boiled with cardamom and a little jaggery. Take this decoction twice a day.
Cough, Cold and Respiratory Disorders: Take the juice of Tulsi leaves, ginger juice and black pepper and add a teaspoon of honey. Take this directly or dissolve it in warm water and drink it twice a day


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