Saturday 24 January 2015

New-style cakes in trend, meant “only for adults”

New-style cakes in trend, meant “only for adults”

New-style cakes in trend, meant “only for adults”

New Delhi: Gone are the days when cakes were only meant for children. With the new style of cakes meant “only for adults”, bakers in metro cities are boasting of the latest trend in the confectionery business.
Erotic or adult-themed cakes are the latest fad of the season. Having come from West, the trend is acquiring a corner in the pre-wedding parties and private bashes.
Interestingly, the risque’ themes are being ordered more by women.
A delhiite running a bakery shop told to Economic Times, “Demand doubled in 2014 from a year ago. I have started getting more calls for bachelorette parties, especially during the marriage season. Most of my naughty cake orders come from close friends and women”, she said.
Another female baker from Delhi added that the demand has increased by about 60% in the last one year, especially for pre-wedding parties.
However, ordering such cakes still remain a tricky business as Indians are still coy about discussing such matters openly. Hence such orders are almost never placed in person; the interested customer either does so over the phone or through a chat app.
The Delhi-based baker told, “I take and pass on orders over WhatsApp to avoid the awkwardness involved in explaining the details to my staff.” She revealed that there are customers who order such cakes on even their 40th birthdays and 90% of them are women.”
A cake churner, from a more traditionalist Hyderabad, states,” Orders for bawdy cakes have definitely gone up. Awareness has increased and youngsters are no longer afraid of expressing themselves.”
She further added, “The “wild bed" theme with lingerie strewn around is popular.”
Interestingly, the demand of such cakes is not restricted to only metros. It has flown to even cities like Agra, Jaipur and Chandigarh where the bakers don’t deliver the cake by themselves but the same is collected by somebody sent to pick the cake by the respective customers.
Similar statements were mentioned by several big confectioners in other metro towns as well where the risque’ theme of cakes add a “good laugh” and an element of surprise to the private parties.
In addition to the boom in the business through the new trend, the Delhi-based female baker also added that ordering such cakes sometimes cause awkwardness as the same has to be packed by the male staff and on the other hand, there are male customers too, who intentionally get too sleazy talks while explaining the order.


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