Tuesday 26 August 2014

How to increase your general knowledge

General knowledge is culturally valued knowledge which is communicated be a range of non specialist media. General knowledge is extremely important part of intelligence which is associated with your knowledge and awareness. General knowledge is supported by long term memory. An interesting fact is that, recent studies have found that male have more general knowledge because differences in their respective interests. And always, people admire a person do more and well in GK than only in academics. A person whose general knowledge is high are highly open to new experiences. So, if you want to become that person, if you want to increase your knowledge then follow these simple steps.


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    Select your category - as it is almost impossible for a person to be perfect in everything and to memorize it, you can select your category. General knowledge is compromised of divisions of fields which you can choose according to your interests . History, Geography, Intelligence, Arts, Dances, General science, Politics, Sports etc. At least one of them must be your favourite, in which you want to learn and progress.
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    Research - get something informative on your subject. You can get guidance from your teacher, parents or a knowledgeable person. Suppose if you selected history, then learn basics of history. A subject also has many divisions and sub-topics. So research them on net, books or discuss them with someone. Do everything to learn about your topic and understand them, because half knowledge is more dangerous than empty.
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    Buy - get some books on General knowledge. Some famous authors are Terry O'Brien, Derek O'Brien etc. Print some question papers from the net and solve them. Surf the general knowledge website. Visit a library.
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    Read - daily read your local and international newspapers to increase your knowledge for current affairs and polity. See morning and evening news on television. You can also download a news app which updates you daily on your smart phone.
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    Discuss - you can pick some friends who are knowledgeable and interested in GK. And who are always eager to share some good informative stuffs with you. No matter if they are specialized in any other subject regarding to general knowledge, nothing goes to waste and everything is useful. With them you can form your own group which holds information seminars everyday to increase knowledge. You can also request your school principal to form a GK club of some special person having knowledge in different field. A teacher can also help you in that.


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