Saturday, 7 February 2015

Tsvangirai Bans Members From Whatsapp

Tsvangirai Bans Members From Whatsapp

MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai has issued an order barring party members from using social media platforms – WhatsApp and Facebook – saying they must shut down these accounts with “immediate effect.”
In a statement issued on 4 February 2015, Tsvangirai said he had noticed with dismay how members of his party have been abusing social media for their self glorification at the expense of the party.
“The proliferation of this abuse (social media) has reached alarming proportions and can not be ignored any longer. I therefore issue the order that any WhatsApp group administered by anyone who is an MDC member without exception, be shut down,” read the statement, which bears Tsvangirai’s signature beneath.
He also said all members of the party must exit all WhatsApp groups on their own with immediate effect.
“Any party structure which needs to run a social media group should access forms from the Office of the President. Those who have been found on the wrong side must consider this as an official first warning,” said Tsvangirai.
Tsvangirai’s orders follow reports that there is a group of disgruntled party members who are lobbying through social media platforms — WhatsApp and Facebook — for the party to hold another congress in 2016 in line with the party’s original plans.
The party members claimed they were not happy with some of the constitutional amendments adopted at the congress, especially the decision to give Tsvangirai wide executive powers to run the party.
The party’s secretary general Douglas Mwonzora said party issues should not be discussed on WhatsApp, and reports of WhatApp groups  spreading hate language were on the increase.

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