Monday, 2 February 2015

No time for garbage: Harare city

No time for garbage: Harare city

City of Harare is fast tracking the training of volunteer anti-litter monitors in its 46 wards to curb illegal and indiscriminate dumping of garbage.
Principal Customer Relations Officer, Dorothy Mavalwane, said by mid-2015 all wards will have volunteer anti-litter monitors.
‘The concept of having anti-litter monitors was born out of the idea of having sustainable cleaner programmes. As City of Harare we realised that we needed to transform the people especially with programmes that promote behavioural change. We realised that we cannot always be going to the same area for cleaning up. If we have responsible residents in an area, it becomes easier to manage a sustainable programme,’ she said.
Volunteer anti-litter monitors are residents of specific suburbs trained to be responsible residents and peer-educators on garbage. The training includes imparting knowledge on council by-laws as well as government laws on illegal garbage dumping.
The programme has received overwhelming support and commitment in Mbare where 383 anti-litter monitors have been trained so far.
Anti-litter monitors have also been trained in Sunningdale and Warren Park. They meet every Tuesday and Thursday for clean-up campaigns. They do voluntary work and sometimes they get food hampers as motivation.
The City’s partners include the Environmental Management Agency, Environment Africa, Oxfam among others. The media and councilors also play a huge part in spreading the message and the anti-litter monitors exercise community policing against littering


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