Saturday, 31 January 2015

A girl aged 11 sent a love note to a boy she likes... but she couldn't have predicted his response

A girl aged 11 sent a love note to a boy she likes... but she couldn't have predicted his response

The laugh out loud scribblings have gone viral online, with thousands commenting on the note and sharing it on social networks

Note from girl
Multiple choice: But the little boy's response required more of an explanation
When an 11-year-old girl plucked up the courage to post a handwritten love noteshe kept it simple for her schoolyard fancy.
"Do you like me?" it read.
The boy was given a choice of yes or no boxes to tick.
It could have been the beginnings of a blossoming romance. But the boy was clearly a deeper thinker than he was given credit for.

Note from boy
Write stuff: The love note from the boy
Showing maturity way beyond his years, the schoolboy replied: "I don't know, I don't know myself yet. Plus I'm under a lot of stress at home so I can't tell.
"P.S. You don't know yourself until you're 18."
The eye-opening response was shared on Reddit – and sparked thousands of comments from amused users.

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